Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 4 Revised Action Plan

Revisions are posted in red.

Tool 7.1  Action Planning Template

Determine if the implementation of interactive whiteboards in core area classrooms has effected instruction by improving student-centered instruction, and encouraging student engagement?”


Action Step(s) Person(s) Timeline: Needed Evaluation
Responsible Start/End Resources

Teacher survey

- Have any teacher with an interactive whiteboard complete a survey on their perceived skills, training they have received and plans to integrate into curriculum

-Survey will include an opportunity for teachers to list any training they felt they needed as the year starts.

Technology Director

August 16/

August 20

May 23/June3

SurveyMonkey account

Survey results

Administrator Field Notes

-Administrator training showcasing model lessons and what to look for during CWTs

-Campus administration will use classroom walkthroughs to document use of interactive whiteboards in lessons

Instructional Technologist/Curriculum Director

Assistant Superintendent

Campus Principals/Assistant Principals

August 18

Ongoing – 1 per teacher every six weeks 2 per teacher every six weeks

-Training room with interactive white board

-Eduphoria access

-Smart phone or Palm to conduct walkthrough

-Modified CWT template to reflect use of technology

-sign in sheet from training

Completed CWTs in Eduphoria


-interview teachers in each core area and campus to determine their opinions of training availability and support

Technology Director/Curriculum Director

1st Six Weeks

4th Six Weeks

6th Six Weeks

Database software

Interviews catalogued in database software

Student survey

-Survey students to determine their perception of the lessons being taught on the interactive whiteboard, including how much time they are allowed to use the board

Technology Director

August 16/

August 20

May 23/June3

SurveyMonkey account

Survey results

Student achievement – Semester exams, TAKS results for tested subjects and CBA

District Testing Coordinator/Campus Administrators

CBAs – every six weeks

End of 1st Semester

April TAKS results

End of 2nd Semester

DMAC software

Test scores

Committee Meetings

Committee members: Technology Director, Curriculum Director, Campus Principals, Assistant Superintendent

Once each six weeks

Data collected

Meeting agendas

Help ticket tracking – track number of support requests from teachers regarding interactive whiteboards

Technology Director

June 3, 2010

Spiceworks help desk software

Help desk reports

1 comment:

  1. Tammy, this looks really good! My only suggestions would be to not overlook the importance of teacher and student reflections, observations by teachers of student behavior/grades, and providing samples of teacher and student work using the boards. All of these types of data help to provide a clearer picture of what was taking place and give you more feedback than just surveys. :-D

    Looking forward to reading more!
